With cosmetology sprouting up everywhere, it is important to find the best cosmetologist. If you are not a professional beauty make-over expert already, the first thing that comes to your mind is the best beauty salons and most affordable prices. But how do you choose from among the hundreds of beauty salons or even the best spa?

The first thing that you need to pay special attention to is the professionalism of the cosmetologist, because you trust him with your face. Another important factor is the price. You must not only consider the quality of education and training of the staff, but also the cost of the procedures. While some high-priced cosmetologists offer world-class services and top-of-the-line beauty products, others are less expensive but offer the same level of service. It is best to do a little research on which salons offer what you need in terms of service and price.

The Spa-Lon

208 New Upper Changi Rd, #01-671, Singapore 460208

Perfect Beauty Care

Bedok North Street 1, #01-459 Blk 203, Singapore 460203

Tanubhi Beauty Care

Tanubhi Beauty Care

631 Bedok Reservoir Rd, #01-906, Singapore 470631


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