Swee Builder Site Office

Official site +65 6547 0091

336 Tanah Merah Coast Rd, Singapore

Swee Builder Site Office

Swee Builders Pte Ltd was incorporated on March 24, 1998. The company is registered with Class BCA A2 in Civil Engineering and Class B2 in General Construction. The company has a very good culture and maintains a work-life balance. A very well-planned workforce is planned to be deployed on-site. Thorough preparation ensures that your project will be completed in a timely, cost-effective, and safe manner. They know a thing or two about quality architecture, thoughtful construction systems, and sophisticated engineering. They specialize in the design, construction, interior design, and landscaping. The teams also apply the most efficient modern construction solutions and technologies. The experience of many years of successful work in construction allows them to design and construct individual housing in any architectural style, using innovative technologies, stylish design, quality finishes, and modern systems of communications.

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