Ji Xiang Vegetarian stall

431 Clementi Ave 3, Block 431, Singapore 120431

Ji Xiang Vegetarian stall

Ji Xiang Vegetarian stall is a cozy place in Singapore with an open space and relaxed atmosphere. Ji Xiang Vegetarian stall is a vegetarian restaurant, where healthy and wholesome food prevails. The facility has two floors and a summer terrace. The dishes, presented in the menu, are vegetarian and are always cooked from fresh products, keeping Vedic traditions. The menu of the place includes a big choice of cold appetizers and salads, first and main courses, also here you’ll find sweets without sugar and self-made yeast-free bread. Today not everyone can afford to spend a whole hour for lunch. And this restaurant allows you to cope with the ritual in 20 minutes. Pleasant interior disposes to a meal inside, and convenient packaging of dishes – to take your lunch with you.

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