There are many things that you should look for in a good cosmetology. You don’t want to find out after the treatment is done and you’ve already spent money on it, right? Well, here’s how to choose a good cosmetology.

The first thing that recommended looking at would be their qualifications. How long have they been practicing as an esthetician or makeup artist? Are they qualified through your governing body of beauty professionals (if there was one), ie Singapore Beauty Council? Find this information online if possible – most will list what qualifications/certifications they hold with links so you can easily check them out. If not listed ask! Remember that just because their qualifications aren’t listed doesn’t mean they don’t have them- it could be that the governing body isn’t online or their certification is from a foreign organization.

The next thing that suggested doing, especially if you plan to visit them in person for your treatment/appointment, would be checking out any reviews and feedback about their services on review sites like Google Reviews or Facebook. You can also ask your friends who’ve gotten similar treatments done before where they went and what do they think of the service there.


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