960 Woodlands Rd, Singapore 738702
United Overseas Bank Limited Co. is a financial institution whose main activities are attracting and placing money, as well as conducting settlements. From the economic point of view, banks act as intermediaries in the money market between those who have free money and those who need additional resources. United Overseas Bank Limited Co. is a commercial enterprise, which is a legal entity operating in accordance with the law of the country of residence. Banks have the right to attract funds from legal entities and individuals and to place them on their own behalf on terms of repayment and payment, as well as carry out many other banking operations.
Registration №: 202016312D
Company Name: GIPNETIX PTE. LTD.
Company Type: Exempt Private Company Limited by Shares
Company Address: 195 PEARL'S HILL TERRACE Singapore 168976
Phone: +6531594178