Clean Start Services

81 MacPherson Ln, Singapore 360081

Clean Start Services

The manager will contact you and agree on the volume and convenient time of cleaning. If necessary, a specialist will come and assess the degree of contamination on the spot. This will help to choose the right detergents and equipment. Several cleaners will come to the cottage on the appointed day and will split into groups. The cleaning takes place simultaneously in several rooms and includes 4 steps.

The 1st stage of cleaning.
Damp cleaning of walls, ceilings, and other surfaces, taking into account their material.

Stage 2 – kitchen cleaning.
They will clean the walls of grease and dirt. They will wash the hob, oven, dishwasher, and microwave. They’ll clean worktops and kitchen fronts.

Stage 3 – cleaning the toilets.
They treat the toilets with special disinfectants. They remove plaque and rust from the plumbing.

Phase 4 – cleaning floors throughout the country house.

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