Modern cosmetology is a complex science that includes the knowledge of specialists, the latest means, drugs, and devices. The results of research in this area indicate that with the right choice of procedures and cosmetic products that are appropriate for the client’s age and season, it is possible to regulate and control metabolic processes in skin cells, slow down aging and delay its external manifestations. The skin on the face is more exposed to the environment than others. It must be treated very carefully and attentively. Currently, there is a huge number of beauty parlors, salons, and clinics. They offer a wide range of means and methods of rejuvenation, recovery, and beauty. Because of this variety, making the right choice can sometimes be very difficult. Choose your dream service with the best-listed cosmetology services in Novena!

Healing Touch

1 Tampines Central 5 #05-10, CPF Tampines Bldg, Singapore 529508

Coslab Northpoint

Northpoint City (North Wing), #03-02, 930 Yishun Avenue 2, Singapore 769098


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