Lamb meat is very widespread in cooking, being one of the most popular ingredients in many national cuisines around the world. This is due not only to its versatility in cooking but also to its excellent compatibility with most food products. This explains the presence of lamb meat in a huge number of recipes. In most of them, it is boiled, roasted, stewed, baked, and grilled. At the same time, it is recommended to put the lamb meat out of the fridge 30-60 minutes before cooking. For culinary purposes, lamb meat is used both fresh and pickled. It is recommended to use milk, yogurt, or cream with the addition of salt and various spices as a base for the marinade.

The Composition of The Dish

In addition to its excellent gastronomic qualities, lamb meat has a chemical composition containing a number of biologically active substances vital for the human body. This determines the presence of this food product and has many health benefits. In particular, regular consumption of lamb meat normalizes blood sugar levels, stimulates metabolism and hematopoiesis, and has an antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, immune-stimulating effect.

Lamb shank is one of the most famous “Greek” dishes in Australia. In any reputable Greek restaurant, everything revolves around Lamb Shank, and the shank itself is spun over the fire on a spit or baked. The most interesting thing is that in Greece itself (the island of Evbea, an hour’s drive from Athens), they say they don’t eat this stuff there. So that’s the story of culinary geography. But back to the lambs. The shank is not very fatty and rather tough meat, but when baked for a long time it becomes soft, fragrant and not at all dry. The meat has a great taste, infused with tomato sauce. It is necessary to keep the lamb in a marinade for several days to get the magnificent meat melting in the mouth, with a divine flavor.

Now you can try lamb shank baked according to the author’s recipe and served with mashed potatoes and vegetables. The new lamb kebab with roasted young potatoes promises to be a real hit. It’s better to reserve tables in advance to be among the first to taste new dishes.

T Bob's Corner

T Bob’s Corner

89 Victoria St, #01-01, Singapore 188017