The duck is a bird that comes in both wild and domestic forms. There are more than a hundred species in the world. There are meat, meat-egg, and egg breeds. It is known that the first ducks were bred in the fifth century in Greece, and later the mallard duck (ancestor of modern domestic ducks) was domesticated in Japan and China, from where it was spread around the world. Today, the duck is widely used in a variety of cuisines around the world. However, because the cooking process is sometimes quite labor-intensive, duck dishes often belong to the category of holiday dishes.

The Best Duck Dishes in Singapore

Southeast Asian countries dominate the production and consumption of dark duck meat, the benefits of which are increasingly being talked about today. The inhabitants of the “Middle Kingdom” do not take vitamins in pills, and regularly drink duck broth to maintain health. Koreans are convinced of the cleansing properties of duck meat. In Asia, North America and some regions of Europe, it has become a tradition to include exquisite duck dishes in the menus of expensive restaurants. That’s why you will find some of the best dishes like salted vegetable duck soup in Singapore.

Benefits of Duck Fat

An important property is its low melting point. Duck fat melts at 14 °C (the melting points of beef, pork, and chicken are respectively: 45 °C, 38 °C, and 37 °C), which is much lower than the human body temperature. It is therefore easily eliminated from the body. In terms of monounsaturated (omega-3) and polyunsaturated (omega-6) fats, the product is similar to olive oil. There is more linoleic acid in duck fat than in chicken or beef. It helps the body to convert fat into energy, rather than storing it in the subcutaneous depot and also accelerates muscle growth with regular exercise. Duck soup to boost immunity has been prepared for centuries by residents of the Chinese province of Fujian. And each family claims that its recipe is the best. But there are some must-have ingredients: ginger and sour Chinese plums, which only add to the benefits of the finished dish.



700 Beach Rd, Level 2 Destination Singapore, Singapore 199598