Steamed Yam Cakes in Singapore Restaurants

Yams are a creeping tropical plant, a liana whose tubers, being of great energy value, are rich in vitamins and mineral salts and are widely used in food in many countries on a par with potatoes. Yams are not sweet potatoes, though they are somewhat similar in taste. The Portuguese “inhame” is taken from the African language “yamyam”, which means to eat. There is also the Russian word yum-yum, which certainly has a direct relation to this, a very interesting plant. The yam tubers are poisonous, the substances contained in the raw tubers cause irritation of the skin and mucous membranes. The poison is destroyed when heated, so before using or before further cooking any dishes of yam it should be pre-cooked.

Composition and Useful Properties of Yam

The tubers of yam are of high nutritional value: they contain a large amount of protein and starch, dietary fiber, mono- and disaccharides. Yam is also rich in vitamins (beta-carotene, vitamin A, vitamin C, vitamin E, thiamin, riboflavin, pantothenic acid, pyridoxine, folic acid) and minerals (calcium, magnesium, sodium, potassium, phosphorus, iron, copper). Yam tubers are similar to cassava in nutritional value but contain more protein (calorizator). Some yam tubers contain the alkaloid diakorin, which is used to prepare valuable medicines. Yam tubers have medicinal properties – their use contributes to reducing blood cholesterol, strengthening the walls of blood vessels. In modern medicine, yams are used in the production of dietary supplements.

Yam in Cookery

The tubers of yam, which are on the branched roots of the vegetable, are used in food. The tuber can be up to 2 m long and 50 kg in weight. Yams are eaten roasted, boiled, stewed, or baked. More often, yams are used to make flour which can be used to make cakes and sauces. Unlike other tropical root tubers, yam tubers can withstand long storage even at high temperatures but are not used as fresh food. Yam tubers are cut into small pieces, dried, and ground into a flour that is used to make tortillas and sauces for various dishes.

Victor's Kitchen

Victor’s Kitchen

91 Bencoolen St, #01-49 Sunshine Plaza, Singapore 189652