Cosmetologists are professionals whose profile can be considered different means and methods of caring for the human body and the skin in particular. They know which modern or traditional methods are suitable for a particular person and how effective they are in each case. A cosmetologist should be able to identify a person’s skin type and prescribe treatments suitable for that type. A cosmetologist must also know about skin diseases and their treatments and be able to diagnose and suggest treatments. A modern cosmetologist in addition to the performance of routine care procedures must possess virtually all methods of therapeutic cosmetology “on the face” and “on the body” – this massage, apparatus cosmetology, procedures for the introduction of gels and Restylane, injection of acupuncture points and problem areas, electrophoresis, ozone and oxygen therapy for all body parts, body and face lymph drainage, and more.

Body Inc - East Coast

Body Inc

75 Lucky Heights, Lucky Court, Singapore 467625

Aesthetic cosmetology is here for you. It is used for skin care. Your doctor will advise you on how to keep your skin in a healthy state by recommending suitable masks and peels, mesotherapy, ultrasound peels, massages and other cosmetic services. Be sure to visit the salon and solve your facial skin problems!


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