791A Upper E Coast Rd, Singapore 466601
The best specialists of the company will help to evaluate, sell, buy, register the property in Singapore, as well as to represent clients in all instances of any level:
• Architectural Department;
• Administration;
• Land Committee;
• Cadastral Chamber;
• Registration Chamber;
• And other organizations.
In addition, the scope of activity includes not only the sale of real estate but also full support of the client from the contract, negotiations with clients, collecting documents for organizations, ongoing consultation with the client, and the preparation of documents for the transaction. Flawless quality of service, the priority of clients’ interests, and full confidentiality are fundamental principles of the real estate agency. They specialize in high-quality services. Qualified specialists will study your needs and offer you the most convenient conditions of service.
Registration №: 202016312D
Company Name: GIPNETIX PTE. LTD.
Company Type: Exempt Private Company Limited by Shares
Company Address: 195 PEARL'S HILL TERRACE Singapore 168976
Phone: +6531594178