Since there are many cosmetology salons in Upper Thomson, it’s important that you know what kind of service or treatment type suits your needs best.

If you’re looking for a cosmetology salon in Upper Thomson, first of all, it’s important to find out what services your chosen salons offer so that you can narrow down the list based on these criteria. If you’re looking for something specific like eyebrow threading or ear candling then make sure this is offered by them before making any final decisions as their availability depends on individual places themselves rather than just the area in general.

Then, check if they have appointments available during times where you would prefer to go such as evenings after work instead of having an early morning appointment which might interfere with other plans or lead to conflicts due to its time restrictions. You’ll want somewhere flexible since no one wants to be kept waiting on their free time.

Mui Lee Beauty Parlour

Mui Lee Beauty Parlour

346 Upper Thomson Rd, Singapore 574370


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