Business Development Group

Official site +6564564559

251 Upper Thomson Rd, Singapore 574376

Business Development Group - North

It is a major bank in terms of assets registered in Singapore. Its key activities include corporate banking, retail deposits, and foreign currency transactions. The main sources of funding are deposits of individuals, funds of enterprises and organizations, as well as interbank loans. According to the results of the annual financial statements, for the last decade, the bank has been demonstrating stability and sustainability in all major financial services markets. The bank’s priorities are lending, settlement, and cash services, services to legal entities and individuals, operations on foreign exchange and inter-bank loans markets, securities operations. Having its own processing center enables the bank to maintain and service plastic cards at the highest level. Thanks to the correctly chosen strategy, consistent financial policy, adherence to the values of civilized business conduct, the bank has retained its reputation as a strong and reliable partner for many years.

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