Do you intend to acquire additional skills, upgrade your educational level, or change your life completely by acquiring a new specialty? Do you lack the time to complete a five-year college degree and do not have the funds to pay for it? This rating is based on the popularity of educational companies and their programs. The rating is influenced by such characteristics as the number of clients in the company base, the number of applications, the number of views of training programs, publications, company pages, the number of user feedback on the company mailing lists and other integral characteristics of popularity. We’ve handpicked the best Education Services in Orchard. Want to change careers, upgrade your skills, retrain professionally, or find a new hobby and activity to your liking? Look at all types of courses in Orchard and choose the training that’s right for you in terms of program, location, reviews and price.

Studio Miu Art

Studio Miu Art

176 Orchard Rd, #03-35 The Centrepoint, Singapore 238843


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